Week 158: Transition to Occupancy

Construction Updates

We will be spending the next few weeks preparing for the beginning of the semester and opening the classrooms to graduate students on September 5th. We officially passed the Boston Fire Department fire alarm witness test/record of completion for the Countway LL1 space, as well as received ISD/BFD Certificate of Occupancy! While the renovation is technically complete, there is still a lot to be done to coordinate all the service aspects of the space. The goal is to complete all these logistics and tie up loose ends during the month of August to be ready by September 5th.

Below is a picture of the construction barriers removed so you can now see the new classrooms through the glass wall! Feel free to contact Luciana for a tour of the new spaces on L1!

bird's eye view of L1


Save The Date

September 27th is the Renovation Celebration! Join us for a ribbon cutting, speakers from key stakeholders, food/drink, music, activities, prizes, and more!

Harvard Countway Library Renovation Celebration. Join Countway Library in celebrating its newly renovated spaces on September 27, 2023 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Countway Library.


Have a wonderful rest of the summer!
