Collage of photos of students playing with therapy dogsCountway Cuddles

Feeling stressed? Come relax with trained therapy dogs from Tufts Paws for People, Dog B.O.N.E.S., and Puppies Behind Bars, and even a registered therapy guinea pig from Pet Partners! These organizations help hospitals, nursing homes, and universities offer pet therapy programs.

The library provides Countway Cuddles pet therapy as a way to combat burnout, stress, and anxiety. During this program, campus members can drop in to our pet therapy area (Countway Library 1st floor couch area near the Shattuck Street entrance) to pet and play with therapy animals. Many colleges offer these programs due to the positive mental health benefits. Therapy pet programs have shown to be especially helpful for medical students. These animals offer companionship and a calming presence to students. Studies have shown that therapy animals can help lower blood pressure and relieve stress. Read more about the benefits in De-Stressing with Therapy Dogs and the Best Way to Pet a Dog.

Meet our #CountwayCuddles family:

Sophie the Golden Retriever (Tuesdays)
Rudy the Golden Retriever (Fourth Tuesdays)
Sasha the Black Lab (First & Third Wednesdays)


Hermie the therapy guinea pig! (Second & Fourth Wednesdays)
Bodhi the Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever Mix (Thursdays)
Bao the miniature Goldendoodle! (Second Thursdays)


Remember: sometimes the dogs need to take a break or cancel, so be sure to check the calendar often. Please contact the Countway Outreach Team with any questions!


Students petting a Golden Retriever therapy dog in Countway Library and on the lawn.A yellow Labrador therapy dog on the lawn with a student, and a Golden Retriever therapy dog visiting staff and students at Countway Library.

Upcoming Pet Therapy Events