Week 151: Beginning of Summer

Construction Updates

The renovation project is on track and major construction is scheduled to finish by June 30th. The cracks in the ceiling (1st floor) will be repaired throughout the next couple of weeks, Friday-Sunday. The new L1 classrooms will be available through Room Scheduling in time for the Fall semester.

renovation picture collage showing new flooring in the lower level

Garden BBQ- Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us in the Garden last week to celebrate the renovation project. We are working on the renovation celebration for the entire LMA Community, scheduled for 9/27 1-3pm. The team is working on a schedule of events and activities throughout the day. All staff are invited- mark your calendars!

collage of people eating and socializing at the garden event


Please join me in recognizing and celebrating June as PRIDE Month and Black Lives Matter Month. Stay tuned for library sponsored events on our social media platforms and newsletters. Below are photos from alumni reunion weekend- thanks Meredith for hosting our former graduates and their families in the library!



alumni weekend collage showing alumni touring the library

alumni weekend collage showing alumni touring the library and trying the Anatomage table