L1 Renovation Construction Update
The abatement of the asbestos phase of the project has concluded and contractor working hours moved to 1st shift (6am-2pm). The library has switched back to closing at midnight (M-TH), with Security at the desk until 12am. Currently, contractors are removing the ceilings to clean out the wiring and preparing for new data drops. The next step is for a company to come in and layout on the floor where everything will land in terms of floor design/layout. The architects, construction team, and HMS representatives did a walkthrough last Monday morning to ensure that the design matches the space needs. Please let Elaine or Luciana know if the library gets too noisy or you notice there is an uncomfortable odor on L1. The project is still on track to be finished by June 30th. Please visit Countway’s Renovation Page for more info, pictures, and FAQs regarding the L1 project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Luciana. Lastly, key project leads will be coming at our next Town Hall Meeting on March 8th to give a project overview and answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding the L1 project. This will be an informative presentation, so please come prepared with anything you would like addressed.
Strategic Planning Update from Len
Each team has met at least two times and is mostly in the data gathering phase of the work now. Maureen will be back on Wednesday, March 15th for the next main Strategic Planning session. Every team member has access to the Strategic Planning Group in Teams, where each team posts its minutes and documentation there. Team members of any team are encouraged to follow the progress of the other teams and utilize and information they have generated.
Upcoming Meetings
Our next Countway all-staff meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd in the 1st floor classrooms. Meredith, Yasmina, and Corey will be presenting on behalf of the Outreach Office. Lunch will be provided. Please contact MJ with any questions.
Upcoming Holidays—Feb. 20th
Countway will be open for study only on Monday, February 20th (Presidents’ Day). Security and LHTs will be present in the building. This is a holiday for staff.