Week 104: Updates and Happenings at Countway

BML Move

This week, Meyers moving contractors began work on site for BML tagging and moving on L2. There are several teams working in the stacks, marking collections owned by the BML with blue tape that will be leaving Countway. The marking process will take at least the remainder of this week and potentially into next week. At the same time, we are preparing to box these items for packing and removing. The boxes will be picked up by Meyers on a regular schedule based on the number of boxes and pallets prepared. These items will be removed from the building via the freight elevator. The actual removal of boxes will start occurring as soon as the final contract has been signed. In the meantime, the collection is being prepared for removal by tagging and boxing and the actual move out of boxes may take several weeks. April 25th is when Meyer will begin packing CHOM. Between now and then, Emily and the CHOM team are continuing to flag BML items to be removed from Countway. This will make the removal of CHOM materials faster. Items will be tagged by April 25th when the movers begin working in CHOM. The process for HD in Southborough has also begun. Harvard Library staff hired for this project have completed the inventory and are beginning to pack the items. Once there is a set number of boxes packed, Meyers will be called to HD and a truck will be sent to transport the items into storage (arranged by the BML). The HD move out process will take one year. I will be sending regular updates regarding the move through staff meetings and other communications. Thank you all for your continued help in the process.

Harvard University/Longwood Medical Area Art Show

Staff from across Harvard, including the Longwood Medical Area, were invited to submit their artwork for display in a variety of Harvard buildings. Countway will be hosting an exhibition of artwork by Longwood Medical area staff! The art will be on display on the 1st floor, and the show will run from March 28th to May 30th. You are invited to an opening reception to celebrate our talented colleagues and meet some of the participating artists on Tuesday, March 29th from 5:30-7pm at Countway. This event is open to HUID holders only, and light refreshments will be served. The reception will feature musical performances as well as an opportunity for some of the artists to discuss their work.

Stat News/Stat+ is now here!

This resource, a health/heath business/pharma/biotech news service, has been the most requested resource from our users to buy by far over the past few years. There were a number of reasons why it had been hard to set this up but finally, we, in collaboration with Baker and Kennedy libraries, were able to put together a package for users specifically at our three schools. This went live on Monday. Below are the instructions on how to set up an account (it is via e-mail domain – for us, it is any user with an HMS, HSDM, or HSPH e-mail). Meredith and Yasmina will spread this news via our web page, social media and our newsletter but wanted to give you all a heads up as I am sure a number of you have fielded questions about access to this resource in the past.

For all group members

You have access to the Harvard Library STAT+ group subscription. Welcome!

To activate your account

  1. Visit the subscription page for STAT+
  2. Use your valid Harvard email address [HMS, HSDM, HSPH, HKS, KSG, HKS student, HBS, HBS MBA 2022, HBS MBA 2023] and create a password of your choosing.
  3. Click "continue" and you're all set! You will see that you are part of the group on the "my account" page.


Finally, as a reminder, future staff meetings and Town Halls (beginning in April), will be in-person and there has been a request that all-staff wear masks when we are meeting together indoors. Please bring a mask to these in-person meetings. Light refreshments for staff meetings will be served and available as a grab and go option for those who do not want to eat in groups.
